Follow along the crazy path that my husband and I never expected to take while trying to conceive our first baby.


In The Beginning

Well here goes nothing...

My husband and I have known each other since I was 17 years old. We started out as friends and over the years it developed into a bit more than a friendship (we all know how this goes...). And today here we are having been "together" for what feels like forever, and officially married for two and a half years. He is my absolute best friend in the world and my biggest supporter. I am so proud of who he is as a person and feel so blessed to be his wife. I will be writing this blog from my perspective, but I feel that it is important to mention him often throughout my blog as he kinda plays a large role in trying for a baby and he is a huge part of my life!

My hubby and I have both always openly discussed having kids someday and neither one of us could picture our future without them. I was totally the crazy girlfriend who always talked about wanting children and lucky me, he didn't get scared and run off. Instead he married me!

We always said that we did not want to get married and have children right away- we wanted to get settled into our careers, I wanted to finish school, and we wanted to be able to enjoy our time with just the two of us. We had watched many of our friends get married and quickly become parents, and we just did not see ourselves doing that. We went on our way, became parents to two puppies, we took trips to the Caribbean, I graduated from college, we both were working in jobs we enjoyed... things were going well. We have always been that couple who has to have things planned out (me more so than my hubby). I HATE surprises and I get instantly irritated if anything comes up last minute. Having a baby would be a major event that would obviously require a lot of careful planning and timing.

Fast forward one year and a half after we were married, and guess what? The syndrome known as "baby fever" hit me, and it hit me hard. Out of nowhere. The funny thing was, it felt like the absolute perfect timing. I remember talking to my husband during the Summer of 2010 and seeing how he would feel if we were to start trying for a baby in the upcoming months. To my surprise he said sure and was compleatly on board- no coaxing involved! Because I have to plan EVERYTHING (see previous paragraph), I decided to go off of the birth control I was on at the time (Depo), and have my last injection in June 2010. This would mean that in September 2010, I would be off of birth control. (Look forward to an entire post about this birth control choice coming soon!)

I knew nothing about how to get pregnant and started to educate myself (what the heck is ovulation? What do you mean I only have a 20% chance of conceiving each month? Really, sperm can live for up to three days)? While reading up on stuff, I realized that there was quite an art to getting pregnant. In September 2010 I went on the birth control pill for three months to bring my period back and try to regulate it since I had not had a period in four years or some crazy time like that- not that I am complaining. In November of 2010 we officially started trying as we were off of all forms of birth control.

This blog will recap our journey thus far and everything else that is to come. Clearly, we are not pregnant yet nor have we ever been. This not only causes frustration, occasional disappointment, being tired of having sex so often, but sometimes I feel that I am going to go crazy. I needed a place to let my thought run wild, and I hope that in the process of doing so, I am able to provide some good reading material to others out there on a journey of their own. 

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